Source code for algopytest.transaction_ops

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from functools import wraps
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import algosdk.transaction
import pyteal
import typing_extensions
from pyteal import Mode

from .client_ops import (
from .entities import AlgoUser, MultisigAccount, _NullUser
from .type_stubs import P, TransactionT

# A type alias representing the native signer, transaction object exchanged around in AlgoPytest
SignerTxnPairT = Tuple[AlgoUser, TransactionT]

# Global variable switches controlled by context managers for the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
_no_log: Optional[bool] = None
_no_params: Optional[bool] = None
_no_send: Optional[bool] = None
_no_sign: Optional[bool] = None
_with_txn_id: Optional[bool] = None

[docs]class TxnElemsContext: """Context manager to return unsent transaction objects from AlgoPytest transaction operations. Within this context manager, all AlgoPytest transaction operations return an unsent signer-transaction pairing rather than sending the transaction into the Algorand network. This pairing can be directly re-input to other AlgoPytest transaction operations that take signer-transaction pairings as inputs, such as ``group_transaction``. Example ------- .. code-block:: python # Create a group transaction utilizing the `TxnElemsContext` context manager with TxnElemsContext(): txn0 = payment_transaction(sender=owner, receiver=user1, amount=10_000_000) txn1 = payment_transaction(sender=owner, receiver=user2, amount=10_000_000) # Send the group transaction by supplying the unsent transactions to group group_transaction(txn0, txn1) """ def __enter__(self) -> None: global _no_send, _no_log # Globally disable sending and logging _no_send = True _no_log = True def __exit__( self, etype: Optional[type[BaseException]], evalue: Optional[BaseException], etraceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: global _no_send, _no_log # Disable any global modifiers _no_send = None _no_log = None
[docs]class TxnIDContext: """Context manager to return sent transaction ID from AlgoPytest transaction operations. Within this context manager, all AlgoPytest transaction operations return the sent transaction's ID along with any usual return result as a tuple. """ def __enter__(self) -> None: global _with_txn_id # Globally enable `_with_txn_id` _with_txn_id = True def __exit__( self, etype: Optional[type[BaseException]], evalue: Optional[BaseException], etraceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: global _with_txn_id # Disable any global modifiers _with_txn_id = None
class DeployedAppID(int): """Subclass the ``int`` so that it can be used as a context manager or directly.""" owner: AlgoUser def __new__(cls, app_id: int, owner: AlgoUser): _app_id = int.__new__(cls, app_id) _app_id.owner = owner return _app_id def __enter__(self) -> int: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> typing_extensions.Literal[False]: delete_app(self.owner, app_id=self) return False class DeployedAssetID(int): """Subclass the ``int`` so that it can be used as a context manager or directly.""" owner: AlgoUser def __new__(cls, asset_id: int, owner: AlgoUser): _asset_id = int.__new__(cls, asset_id) _asset_id.owner = owner return _asset_id def __enter__(self) -> int: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> typing_extensions.Literal[False]: destroy_asset(self.owner, asset_id=self) return False def transaction_boilerplate( no_log: bool = False, no_params: bool = False, no_send: bool = False, no_sign: bool = False, with_txn_id: bool = False, format_finish: Optional[Callable] = None, return_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> Callable[[Callable[P, SignerTxnPairT]], Callable[P, Any]]: """A decorator to handle all of the transaction boilerplate.""" def decorator(func: Callable[P, SignerTxnPairT]) -> Callable[P, Any]: """The actual decorator since it takes the arguments above.""" @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any: # Apply the global modifiers if any are set f_no_log = no_log if _no_log is None else _no_log f_no_params = no_params if _no_params is None else _no_params f_no_send = no_send if _no_send is None else _no_send f_no_sign = no_sign if _no_sign is None else _no_sign f_with_txn_id = with_txn_id if _with_txn_id is None else _with_txn_id logger = logging.getLogger("algopytest") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) log: Callable[..., None] = if f_no_log: # Disable logging def ignore(*args: Any) -> None: return None log = ignore # If `params` was not supplied, insert the suggested # parameters unless disabled by `no_params` if kwargs.get("params") is None and not f_no_params: kwargs["params"] = suggested_params(flat_fee=True, fee=1000) log(f"Running {func.__name__}") # Create unsigned transaction signer, txn = func(*args, **kwargs) # Return the `signer` and `txn` if no sending was requested if f_no_send: return signer, txn if f_no_sign: # Send the `txn` as is output_to_send = txn else: # Sign the `txn` output_to_send = txn.sign(signer.private_key) # If the `output_to_send` is not a list, wrap it # in one as a singular transaction to be sent if type(output_to_send) is not list: output_to_send = [output_to_send] # Send the transaction and await for confirmation txn_id = process_transactions(output_to_send) # Display results transaction_response = pending_transaction_info(txn_id) if format_finish is not None: log( f"Finished {func.__name__} with: {format_finish(transaction_response)}" ) else: log(f"Finished {func.__name__}") ret = return_fn(transaction_response) if return_fn is not None else None # Return the `txn_id` if requested if f_with_txn_id: return txn_id, ret else: return ret return wrapped return decorator
[docs]def create_app( owner: AlgoUser, approval_program: pyteal.Expr, clear_program: pyteal.Expr, version: int = 5, local_ints: int = 0, local_bytes: int = 0, global_ints: int = 0, global_bytes: int = 0, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, extra_pages: int = 0, ) -> DeployedAppID: """Deploy a smart contract from the supplied details. Parameters ---------- owner The user who will be the creator and owner of the smart contract. approval_program The PyTeal expression representing the approval program. clear_program The PyTeal expression representing the clear program. version The version with which to compile the supplied PyTeal programs. local_ints The local integer requirements of the smart contract application. local_bytes The local bytes requirements of the smart contract application. global_ints The global integer requirements of the smart contract application. global_bytes The global bytes requirements of the smart contract application. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. extra_pages Provides extra program size. Returns ------- DeployedAppID A derived integer type holding the deployed application's ID. Can be used as a regular integer, but also within a context manager to facilitate easy clean up. """ # Compile the smart contract approval_compiled = compile_program(approval_program, Mode.Application, version) clear_compiled = compile_program(clear_program, Mode.Application, version) global_schema = algosdk.transaction.StateSchema(global_ints, global_bytes) local_schema = algosdk.transaction.StateSchema(local_ints, local_bytes) # Deploy the compiled smart contract return create_compiled_app( owner, approval_compiled, clear_compiled, global_schema, local_schema, app_args=app_args, accounts=accounts, foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note, lease=lease, rekey_to=rekey_to, extra_pages=extra_pages, )
[docs]def create_compiled_app( owner: AlgoUser, approval_compiled: bytes, clear_compiled: bytes, global_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema, local_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, extra_pages: int = 0, ) -> DeployedAppID: """Deploy a smart contract from the supplied details. Parameters ---------- owner The user who will be the creator and owner of the smart contract. approval_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the approval program. clear_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the clear program. global_schema The global state schema details. local_schema The local state schema details. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. extra_pages Provides extra program size. Returns ------- DeployedAppID A derived integer type holding the deployed application's ID. Can be used as a regular integer, but also within a context manager to facilitate easy clean up. """ # Deploy the smart contract app_id = _create_compiled_app( owner, approval_compiled, clear_compiled, global_schema, local_schema, params=params, app_args=app_args, accounts=accounts, foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note, lease=lease, rekey_to=rekey_to, extra_pages=extra_pages, ) # Return an int sub-classed context manager for the application return DeployedAppID(app_id, owner)
# The return type is `int` modified by `return_fn` @transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["application-index"]}', return_fn=lambda txninfo: txninfo["application-index"], ) def _create_compiled_app( owner: AlgoUser, approval_compiled: bytes, clear_compiled: bytes, global_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema, local_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, extra_pages: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Deploy a smart contract from the supplied details. Parameters ---------- owner The user who will be the creator and owner of the smart contract. approval_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the approval program. clear_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the clear program. global_schema The global state schema details. local_schema The local state schema details. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. extra_pages Provides extra program size. Returns ------- int The application ID of the deployed smart contract. """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser # Declare on_complete as NoOp on_complete = algosdk.transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC.real # Create unsigned transaction txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationCreateTxn( owner.address, params, on_complete, approval_compiled, clear_compiled, global_schema, local_schema, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, extra_pages=extra_pages, ) return owner, txn # Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def delete_app( owner: AlgoUser, app_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Delete a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- owner The creator of the smart contract app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationDeleteTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationDeleteTxn( owner.address, params, app_id, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return owner, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def update_app( owner: AlgoUser, app_id: int, approval_compiled: bytes, clear_compiled: bytes, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Update a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- owner The creator of the smart contract app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. approval_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the approval program. clear_compiled The TEAL compiled binary code of the clear program. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationUpdateTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationUpdateTxn( owner.address, params, app_id, approval_compiled, clear_compiled, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return owner, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def opt_in_app( sender: AlgoUser, app_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Opt-in to a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- sender The account to opt-in to the smart contract. app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationOptInTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationOptInTxn( sender.address, params, app_id, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def close_out_app( sender: AlgoUser, app_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Close-out from a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- sender The account to close-out from the smart contract. app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationCloseOutTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationCloseOutTxn( sender.address, params, app_id, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def clear_app( sender: AlgoUser, app_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Clear from a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- sender The account to clear from the smart contract. app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationClearStateTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any additional arguments to the application. accounts Any additional accounts to supply to the application. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationClearStateTxn( sender.address, params, app_id, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'app-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["apid"]}', ) def call_app( sender: AlgoUser, app_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, app_args: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, accounts: Optional[List[AlgoUser]] = None, foreign_apps: Optional[List[int]] = None, foreign_assets: Optional[List[int]] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Perform an application call to a deployed smart contract. Parameters ---------- sender The account to perform the application call to the smart contract. app_id The application ID of the deployed smart contract. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``ApplicationNoOpTxn`` into the Algorand network. app_args Any arguments to pass along with the application call. accounts Any Algorand account addresses to pass along with the application call. foreign_apps Any other apps used by the application, identified by app index. foreign_assets List of assets involved in call. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments app_args = app_args or [] accounts = accounts or [] foreign_apps = foreign_apps or [] foreign_assets = foreign_assets or [] rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.ApplicationNoOpTxn( sender.address, params, app_id, app_args=app_args, accounts=[account.address for account in accounts], foreign_apps=foreign_apps, foreign_assets=foreign_assets, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
# Returns `None` because of the `transaction_boilerplate` decorator
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate() def payment_transaction( sender: AlgoUser, receiver: AlgoUser, amount: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, close_remainder_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Perform an Algorand payment transaction. Parameters ---------- sender The account to send the Algorand transaction payment. receiver The account to receive the Algorand transaction payment amount The amount of microAlgos (10e-6 Algos) to transact. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``PaymentTxn`` into the Algorand network. close_remainder_to An Algorand address to close any remainder balance of the sender to. note A note to attach to the payment transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments close_remainder_to = close_remainder_to or _NullUser rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.PaymentTxn( sender.address, params, receiver.address, amount, close_remainder_to=close_remainder_to.address, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]def create_asset( sender: AlgoUser, manager: AlgoUser, reserve: AlgoUser, freeze: AlgoUser, clawback: AlgoUser, asset_name: str, total: int, decimals: int, unit_name: str, default_frozen: bool, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, url: str = "", metadata_hash: str = "", note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> int: """Create an Algorand standard asset from the supplied details. Parameters ---------- sender The user who will be the creator of the asset. manager The user with manager privileges over the asset. reserve The user representing the reserve address of the asset. freeze The user with freeze privileges over the asset. clawback The user with clawback privileges over the asset. asset_name The name of the asset. total The total amount of asset tokens to mint. decimals The degree of divisibility of the asset. unit_name The name of a unit of this asset. default_frozen Whether to freeze the holdings of this asset by default. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. url Specifies a URL where more information on the asset can be retrieved metadata_hash A 32-byte hash of metadata that is relevant to your asset and/or asset holders. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- DeployedAssetID A derived integer type holding the created asset's ID. Can be used as a regular integer, but also within a context manager to facilitate easy clean up. """ # Create the asset asset_id = _create_asset( sender=sender, manager=manager, reserve=reserve, freeze=freeze, clawback=clawback, asset_name=asset_name, total=total, decimals=decimals, unit_name=unit_name, default_frozen=default_frozen, params=params, url=url, metadata_hash=metadata_hash, note=note, lease=lease, rekey_to=rekey_to, ) # Return an int sub-classed context manager for the asset return DeployedAssetID(asset_id, sender)
@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["asset-index"]}', return_fn=lambda txninfo: txninfo["asset-index"], ) def _create_asset( sender: AlgoUser, manager: AlgoUser, reserve: AlgoUser, freeze: AlgoUser, clawback: AlgoUser, asset_name: str, total: int, decimals: int, unit_name: str, default_frozen: bool, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, url: str = "", metadata_hash: str = "", note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Create an Algorand standard asset from the supplied details. Parameters ---------- sender The user who will be the creator of the asset. manager The user with manager privileges over the asset. reserve The user representing the reserve address of the asset. freeze The user with freeze privileges over the asset. clawback The user with clawback privileges over the asset. asset_name The name of the asset. total The total amount of asset tokens to mint. decimals The degree of divisibility of the asset. unit_name The name of a unit of this asset. default_frozen Whether to freeze the holdings of this asset by default. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. url Specifies a URL where more information on the asset can be retrieved metadata_hash A 32-byte hash of metadata that is relevant to your asset and/or asset holders. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- int The created asset's ID. """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetCreateTxn( sender.address, params, total=total, decimals=decimals, default_frozen=default_frozen, manager=manager.address, reserve=reserve.address, freeze=freeze.address, clawback=clawback.address, unit_name=unit_name, asset_name=asset_name, url=url, metadata_hash=metadata_hash.encode(), note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["caid"]}', ) def destroy_asset( sender: AlgoUser, asset_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Destroy an Algorand standard asset. Parameters ---------- sender The user who created the asset. asset_id The ID of the asset to destroy. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetDestroyTxn( sender.address, params, index=asset_id, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["caid"]}', ) def update_asset( sender: AlgoUser, asset_id: int, *, manager: Optional[AlgoUser], reserve: Optional[AlgoUser], freeze: Optional[AlgoUser], clawback: Optional[AlgoUser], params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Update an Algorand standard asset. Parameters ---------- sender The user who created the asset. asset_id The ID of the asset to destroy. manager The user to take over the manager privileges over the asset. reserve The user to take over the reserve address of the asset. freeze The user to take over the freeze privileges over the asset. clawback The user to take over the clawback privileges over the asset. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # When an optional account is `None`, it refers to # the `_NullUser` with an "" empty string address manager = manager or _NullUser reserve = reserve or _NullUser freeze = freeze or _NullUser clawback = clawback or _NullUser rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetUpdateTxn( sender.address, params, index=asset_id, manager=manager.address, reserve=reserve.address, freeze=freeze.address, clawback=clawback.address, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'account-addr={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["fadd"]} asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["faid"]}', ) def freeze_asset( sender: AlgoUser, target: AlgoUser, new_freeze_state: bool, asset_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Freeze/unfreeze an Algorand standard asset of a target user. Parameters ---------- sender The user who created the asset. target The user whose asset will be frozen/unfrozen. new_freeze_state Whether the asset of the target user should be frozen or not. asset_id The ID of the asset to freeze/unfreeze. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetFreezeTxn( sender.address, params, index=asset_id, target=target.address, new_freeze_state=new_freeze_state, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["xaid"]}', ) def transfer_asset( sender: AlgoUser, receiver: AlgoUser, amount: int, asset_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, close_assets_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, revocation_target: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Transfer Algorand standard asset tokens to a target recipient. Parameters ---------- sender The user to send the asset transfer. receiver The user to receive the asset transfer. amount The amount of asset base units to transfer. asset_id The ID of the asset to transfer. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. close_assets_to An Algorand user to close any remainder asset balance of the sender to. revocation_target Send assets from this address rather than the sender. Can be used only by the clawback user of the asset. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments close_assets_to = close_assets_to or _NullUser revocation_target = revocation_target or _NullUser rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetTransferTxn( sender.address, params, receiver=receiver.address, amt=amount, index=asset_id, close_assets_to=close_assets_to.address, revocation_target=revocation_target.address, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["xaid"]}', ) def opt_in_asset( sender: AlgoUser, asset_id: int, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Opt-in to an Algorand standard asset. Parameters ---------- sender The user to opt-in to the asset. asset_id The ID of the asset to opt-in to. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. close_assets_to An Algorand user to close any remainder asset balance of the sender to. revocation_target Send assets from this address rather than the sender. Can be used only by the clawback user of the asset. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetOptInTxn( sender.address, params, asset_id, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( format_finish=lambda txninfo: f'asset-id={txninfo["txn"]["txn"]["xaid"]}', ) def close_out_asset( sender: AlgoUser, asset_id: int, receiver: AlgoUser, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, note: str = "", lease: str = "", rekey_to: Optional[AlgoUser] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.Transaction]: """Close out an Algorand standard asset. Parameters ---------- sender The user to close-out of the asset. asset_id The ID of the asset to close-out of. receiver The user to receive the entire asset balance of the sender before closing out. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``AssetCreateTxn`` into the Algorand network. note A note to attach to the application creation transaction. lease A unique lease where no other transaction from the same sender and same lease can be confirmed during the transactions valid rounds. rekey_to An Algorand address to rekey the sender to. Returns ------- None """ # Materialize all of the optional arguments rekey_to = rekey_to or _NullUser txn = algosdk.transaction.AssetCloseOutTxn( sender.address, params, receiver.address, asset_id, note=note.encode(), lease=lease.encode(), rekey_to=rekey_to.address, ) return sender, txn
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( no_sign=True, ) def smart_signature_transaction( smart_signature: algosdk.transaction.LogicSigAccount, transaction: SignerTxnPairT, *, params: Optional[algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams] = None, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction]: """Send a transaction signed by a smart signature. Parameters ---------- smart_signature The smart signature to sign the transaction. transaction The transaction to send singed by the smart signature. params Transaction parameters to use when sending the ``LogicSigTransaction`` into the Algorand network. Returns ------- None """ logic_txn = algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction(transaction[1], smart_signature) return _NullUser, logic_txn
class _MultisigTxn: def __init__( self, transaction: SignerTxnPairT, signing_accounts: List[AlgoUser], multisig_account: MultisigAccount, ): # Ignore the `AlgoUser` provided with the `transaction`. The signers are in `signing_accounts` self.transaction = transaction[1] self.signing_accounts = signing_accounts self.multisig_account = multisig_account # Create the multisig transaction self.multisig_transaction = algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction( self.transaction, self.multisig_account.attributes ) def sign(self, _: Optional[str]) -> List[algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction]: # Sign the multisig transaction for signing_account in self.signing_accounts: self.multisig_transaction.sign(signing_account.private_key) return self.multisig_transaction
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( no_params=True, ) def multisig_transaction( multisig_account: MultisigAccount, transaction: SignerTxnPairT, signing_accounts: List[AlgoUser], ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, _MultisigTxn]: """Send a multi-signature transaction operating on a multi-signature account. Parameters ---------- multisig_account The multi-signature account which the multi-signature transaction will affect. transaction The transaction which will affect the multi-signature account. signing_accounts The multiple accounts to sign the transaction as a multi-signature transaction. """ # The signers are specified in the `signing_accounts` list and are # handled specially by the `_MultisigTxn` class. So return the `_NullUser` # as the signer as a placeholder return _NullUser, _MultisigTxn(transaction, signing_accounts, multisig_account)
class _GroupTxn: _InputTxnType = Union[ algosdk.transaction.Transaction, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction, _MultisigTxn, ] _SignedTxnType = Union[ algosdk.transaction.SignedTransaction, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction, algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction, ] def __init__(self, transactions: List[Tuple[AlgoUser, _InputTxnType]]): # Separate out the `signers` and the `txns` self.signers = [signer for signer, _ in transactions] self.transactions = [txn for _, txn in transactions] # Assign the group ID, flattening out `LogicSigTransaction` and `_MultisigTxn` # to get the underlying `Transaction` flattened_txns = [] for txn in self.transactions: if isinstance(txn, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction) or isinstance( txn, _MultisigTxn ): flattened_txns.append(txn.transaction) else: flattened_txns.append(txn) algosdk.transaction.assign_group_id(flattened_txns) def sign(self, _: Optional[str]) -> List[_SignedTxnType]: # Sign all of the transactions signed_txns = [] for signer, txn in zip(self.signers, self.transactions): # Logic signature transactions simply get appended since they are already signed if isinstance(txn, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction): signed_txns.append(txn) else: signed_txns.append(txn.sign(signer.private_key)) return signed_txns
[docs]@transaction_boilerplate( no_params=True, ) def group_transaction( *transactions: SignerTxnPairT, ) -> Tuple[AlgoUser, _GroupTxn]: """Send all of the supplied unsent ``transactions`` as a group transaction. Parameters ---------- *transactions Unsent signer-transaction pairings to send as a group. It is recommended to use the ``TxnElemsContext`` context manager to create these unsent signer-transaction pairings. """ # The signers are already included as the first elements # of the tuples in `transactions`, so return the `_NullUser` # as the signer of this group transaction return _NullUser, _GroupTxn(list(transactions))