Configuration Options
Configuring AlgoPytest is controlled by environment variables. These environment variables must be set before executing pytest for them to take any effect. If an environment variable is omitted, AlgoPytest takes on the default value, if there is one.
: The address wherealgod
is listening on. (Default:"http://localhost:4001"
: The secret token used to connect toalgod
. (Default:"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
: The address where theindexer
is listening on. (Default:"http://localhost:8980"
: The secret token used to connect to theindexer
: The address wherekmd
is listening on. (Default:"http://localhost:4002"
: The secret token used to connect tokmd
. (Default:"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
: The name of the wallet inkmd
from which all of the accounts are generated. (Default:"unencrypted-default-wallet"
: The password used to access the wallet inkmd
from which all of the accounts are generated. (Default:""
: The address in yoursandbox
which was allocated the initial funds. (Default: The first “Online” address in yoursandbox
: The timeout in seconds to use when querying the indexer before raising an exception. (Default:61